Profile Bruno P.Baumberger


School of economics
MBA GSBA Zurich 1995
MBA SUNY Albany 1999 (State University of New York at Albany)


Good communicator, emphatic; quick learner; networked thinking; decision maker, goal oriented, doer, speaks several languages (D/E/F/P)

Professional experience

Line Management

CEO IT Center
Head of Division and member of the group management Siber Hegner in Japan
Delegate of the board of directors and CEO of Zurichsee Druckereien AG (bottom line responsibility)
Founder and CEO of blueCiNNAMON GmbH (before AXA Consult respectively AXA Group GmbH)

Project management

Head of steering committee for projects of group wide relevance at Bally Int. and Siber Hegner
Management of organizational- and technology projects at Bally, Siber Hegner, SR DRS, ZSD and Ascom

Staff function

CIO (Chief Information Officer), Bally International AG, Zurich

Professional federation (unitl May 2012)

Vice-President SwissICT (Swiss Information-  and Communication Technology Association)
Head of the Leadership Committee SwissICT
Member of the workgroup "Electronic Markets" of SwissICT

International Experience

Switzerland, Europe, USA, Brazil, Japan / Southeast Asia